Php And Magento

  • Duration

    6 Months

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This program is designed to train, polish and enhance the skill set of resource to the next level.

What is Magento?

Magento is an open-source and one of the most popular e-commerce platforms written in PHP. Because of its popularity, it has empowered thousands of retailers and brands across the globe. More than 100,000 online companies from all over the world have been created on this platform. TheMagento platform code has been downloaded more than 2.5 million times, and $155 billion worth of goods have sold through Magento-based systems since 2019. Magento is a very flexible system where new integration and also updates readily available. There is a lot of in-built features fore-commerce for opensource and enterprise version, so most of the e-commerce stores for small to large scale are developed in magento2.

What is PHP?

PHP is a server-side scripting language, which is extensively and exclusively designed for website development. It is an easy program language with logical syntax and well-described command functions. It is used to develop static, dynamic websites or web applications. There are over 20 million websites, and apps on the internet developed using PHP scripting language. It is also used as an all-purpose programming language because of its user-friendliness and efficiency.

PHP as a programming language is scalable and can be easily used for creating web applications,writing codes, and can also be relied upon while serving several web pages.

Why Choose PHP + Magento Training Program?

Magento Training Program is easy to learn and implement. It is best suitable for web developers to create dynamic web pages. Top companies like Wikipedia, Yahoo, Tumblr, Mailchimp, etc. use PHP and Magento programming in the real world.

  • Tick Advance your career with our unique and professional experience.
  • Tick Get support from the experience and expertise of the industry specialists.
  • Tick Hands-on training using in-demand tools and techniques.
  • Tick Get a chance to learn from real-life projects of various brands across the world.
  • Tick Expand your professional connections by interacting with other professionals in the field.

For any questions, you can contact us or visit our page.

Syllabus for the training

Introduction of PHP & Mysql.

  • Introduction to php.
  • How php works and how its applicable to the which type of system and how widely used with the IT industry.
  • OOP & Data flow of PHP.
  • MYSQL in PHP.
  • Mysql Queries, Join, Indexer, Views, Joins, Trigger, Cursor.
  • Introduction of Client- Server Architecture.

Fundamentals of PHP.

  • Introduction to PHP PHP Syntax with Latest Morden Php.
  • Php variables, Super Global Variables, Operators, Conditions.
  • Conditions & Looping with If,if..else..elseif..else, while, Do while,For, Foreach, Type of errors.
  • Php Functions, Datetime function, php Array functions, php string functions.
  • Include Require Functions.
  • Errors and Type of warnings and Exception handling.
  • Create Form and Validate the form with jQuery Client side and server side validation.

Database Connectivity MySQL.

  • DBMS and RDBMS & MySQL Data Types Database Terminology.
  • Php and Mysql Connection With MySQL Database.
  • Primary Key and Auto increment Field with basic Mysql Fundamentals.
  • Mysql Insert, Update, Delete, Select, Like, Where, Group By, Order By and SQL Aggregate Functions File Uploads
  • Session And Cookie with Application.

(Test) Real Time Project Implementation.

  • File Uploading.
  • Javascript & jQuery validation.
  • Php & Ajax.
  • OOPS Concepts & Class object Extent visibility.
  • Session uses real time.
  • Insert update delete with Application.

Php Framework Introduction.

Week-5 & 6
  • Laravel or Zend framework installation.
  • Use of Framework and importance of Framework.
  • Simple Application with the Framework.

Introduction of OOP & Magento & Installation.

  • OOPS concept,MVC structure & MySql and Javascript Knowledge.
  • Introduction to Mangeto and how it's widely used in E-commerce platforms.
  • Installation Prerequisites for the Magento (PHP,MySql,Composer,Nodejs,Apache).
  • Installation Of Magento with a total 2 types of installation with both ways you can do wizard installation or Command line installation.
  • By Composer installation.
  • By Github installation.
  • Check with Magento front end flow With Process E-commerce journey with Cart and Checkout process.
  • Magento deployment Modes Available and its difference of them (developer,default,production)

Working with Magento Business logic.

  • Inventory Management.
  • Multi Website,store and language,currency concept.
  • Product types & Categories with Product Price in magento.
  • Promotions rules & Newsletter and URL Rewrite.
  • Wish list, Compare product, Email friend,Recent view Product, Product reviews and Rating.
  • Product types behavior in shopping cart
  • Magento Order Management & My Account section.

Store Configuration & Theme Architecture.

  • Store Configuration understanding with usage of the Configuration on Front side.
  • Theme Structure and Layouts overview with Page Layouts & Template override with theme Structure and Apply on Front Theme.
  • Basic Js and CSS inclusion & Layout file directives.
  • Theme Layout and Template & Email template customization from admin side for (Sales,Invoice,CreditMemo)

Basics of Magento Architecture & Customization Techniques.

  • Magento module-based architecture
  • Magento directory structure
  • Configuration XML & Variables scope
  • Dependency injection
  • Event observer
  • CLI Commands

Working with Database in Magento.

  • Basic concepts of models, resource models, collections.
  • Load and save an entity from a database.
  • Magento sort, filters and specify the selected values for collections and repositories
  • Install/Upgrade scripts in Magento
  • DDL class in setup scripts

Developing with adminhtml.

  • Controller for admin router
  • Magento configurations XML, scopes
  • Set up a menu item & Magento ACL & Magento permissions
  • Magento extensions, the different types of extension available (Community, Core, Commercial)
  • Installation and configuration process in Magento

Sales & Content & Customer & Tax Management with Magento.

  • Sales Document(Preparing Your Invoice Logo,Adding Reference IDs to Header, Customer Address Templates)
  • Catalog search and Product listing page with layered navigation,paging etc
  • Customer Management
  • Content Pages & Cms blocks and widgets
  • Sales Operation
  • Order management ,invoices and shipment process
  • Basic Shipping and payment method.
  • Taxes

Theme Management with Magento.

  • Understanding the Theme flow of Admin and front theme.
  • Customize the theme of Frontend.
  • Use of Widget and CMS block and Page with Front theme.
  • Theme Layout changes & js and css customization.
  • Understand Layout in Theme.

Practical Test-1.

  • Create Theme Test.
  • Magento Configuration Test.
  • Magento functionality Explanation Test.

Create Module in Front in Magento.

  • Create Module with Front router.
  • Module install with Database schema.
  • Frontend Email sends Functionality.
  • Front side Validation form Client & Server side.
  • Use of session Front side Customer session and global session.
  • Displaying the data on the front side from Database.
  • Use of Model & Resource Model & Collection on Frontend.

Create Module in Admin in Magento.

  • Admin side Display Grid with CRUD Operation.
  • Use the Magento UI component for the Grid and Form.
  • Use of DI & Plugin & Preference and Events in Module.
  • Cron Management.
  • Magento API introduction.

Create Attribute in Magento.

  • Product Attribute.
  • Category Attribute.
  • Customer Attribute.
  • Customer Address Attribute.

Magento database Explore & Structure.

  • Magento core Database Structure
  • Sales Tables.
  • Catalog Tables.
  • Eav Tables.

Magento Version Upgrade & Introduction to Advance Feature.

  • Magento version Upgrade and things to be taken care of while upgrading version.
  • Introduction of Migration.
  • Introduction to knockout Technology use in Magento.
  • Introduction to ViewModel.ProxyClasses & GraphQL, Custom Cache Management.
  • Introduction to Custom Indexing Type.

Practical Test-2 & Test-3.

Week-21 & 22
  • Below are topics on how we will give the Practical Test.
  • Different Customization of Product Module.
  • Customization Feature of Sales Module.
  • Customization in Knockout Template at Checkout.
  • Customization on Admin area with Grid and Custom Functionality.
  • Frontend Category module customization.

Benefits of PHP + Magento

  • Tick Associate with Top-Notch E-Commerce Solution Company
  • Tick Magento Certification Sponsorship
  • Tick Learn with Highly Experienced Magento Professional Certified Trainer
  • Tick Get the Best Study Material Supply
  • Tick Practice & Train on Live Projects
  • Tick 100% Placement
  • Tick Batch Selection will be based on Preliminary Assessment
  • Tick It is a Invest One Time and Get Benefited For Lifetime Program
  • Nirav V Gohel - Trainer

    Magento Technical Leader

  • Academic & Certification
    B.E (Computer Engg.) & Magento 2 Certified
  • Designation
    Magento Technical Leader
  • Total Experience
    8 years of experience with Magento 1&2
  • Trainer experience
    3 years of experience

Nirav Gohel is a Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer and Associate Developer, who has more than three years of professional training experience in Magento and Magento 2. Since he studied Computer Engineering in his B.E. with distinction, Nirav has trained more than 25 Magento students in his training career so far.

With a total of 8 years of experience, Nirav has profound knowledge of Zen, WordPress, PHP, and Magento. Being a Magento enthusiast, Nirav is an authorized instructor in Magento training from CommercePundit. He is passionate about developing Magento extensions and is always scouting for the next big product idea.


For Quick discussion send your resume at [email protected]

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